How Will I Receive My Presale Tickets?

You can receive your presale tickets a variety of ways depending on the ticketing service.


If you choose an electronic ticket, it will either be emailed to you or available to scan in the ticket providers app on mobile. This will vary depending on the show and venue.

#### **WILL CALL:**

If you choose to receive your tickets at “Will Call,” they will be available at the venue box office on the day of the show. You will typically need a photo ID and the credit card used during the purchase to retrieve your tickets.

#### **BY MAIL:**

Most ticketing services will offer to mail your tickets to your home. You will typically receive your tickets two weeks before the concert, sometimes sooner. Please check with the specific ticketing service with your ticket delivery questions.

If you have a question about ticket delivery, please directly contact the ticketing service (i.e.,, etc.) with your order number. Support does not have access to their order details.